Our Brand

"Represent where you're from! Be proud of who you are!" is a phrase at World Reps that we strongly believe can be echoed throughout the hearts of every human being, and to touch the souls of each individual to remind people of the love, the pride, the memories of your childhood, your beloved and the beautiful and wonderous world we call home.

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I love the feeling when somebody comes up to me to ask "What flag is that? Or Where are you or your ancestors from?". It sparks a great conversation.

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Bless up World Reps! The surprised look on people's faces always make me smile when I tell them I am Jamaican! LOL

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I am thankful for World Reps for bringing people together. When I tell my story of my grandparents from back home, it brings joy to people's eyes and imagination, which in return brings joy to me!

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I am thankful and proud to call Canada my home. Canada is multi cultural and I like listening to different stories from people from different countries like myself.

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